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Protecting Peatlands: Protecting the Climate and the People

Ensuring the protection and restoration of Indonesia’s peatlands is of utmost importance in the global endeavour to avert climate catastrophe. These peatlands house approximately 57 gigatons of carbon, which is equivalent to ten years of emissions from the United States of America.

Regrettably, issues surrounding peatland restoration and protection have not yet gained significant public attention. According to our preliminary research, a staggering 90 percent of respondents (Jakartans) admitted to rarely or never having heard about peatland concerns before.

Failing to safeguard these peatlands would undoubtedly result in devastating consequences for both the climate and the people. That is why organisations like Pantau Gambut tirelessly campaign and advocate for the protection and restoration of Indonesia’s peatlands.

Therefore, we are deeply honoured to collaborate with Pantau Gambut in establishing a three-year communication strategy. Our primary objectives are to raise awareness and generate public interest regarding the importance of protecting and restoring Indonesia’s peatlands. And at the end of the day, aim to engage all stakeholders to join us in this crucial endeavour.


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