Background :
Oxfam in Indonesia needs to carry out an initial assessment to determine the capacity of its partners in creating communication media and conducting campaigns, so that good practices can be developed as well as capacity building needed by partners. Oxfam in Indonesia will hire consultant to carry out the assessment.
Methodology :
This assessment will use data obtained from qualitative and quantitative research, which focuses on the following data:
- An overview of climate change issue mapping
- Analysis on partners capacity on climate change media communication and campaign
- In depth interviews with partners and targeted audience
- Analysis and recommendation
Output :
- Research Report : Persepsi Perubahan Iklim dari Mitra Oxfam dan Masyarakat
- Laporan Media Monitoring Perubahan Iklim, Oktober 2021 – Oktober 2022
- Assessment on CSO’s Capacity to Conduct Climate Change Communications and Campaign